13. Cancer is Population Control +
This page is the Study of Health and Disease
One Website I Saw Was Bragging - Leader in Cancer Treatment
Working to Eliminate Cancer for Nearly 80 Years! WOW and They are Still in Business
They Must Not Know That PH Kills sv40 That Is Cancer
Working to Eliminate Cancer for Nearly 80 Years! WOW and They are Still in Business
They Must Not Know That PH Kills sv40 That Is Cancer
Doctor Joel Wallach |
Dr Joel Wallach Dead Doctors Don’t Lie Presentation: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=dead+doctors+don%27t+lie&view=detail&mid=AFB4D57E9EC055FDB528AFB4D57E9EC055FDB528&FORM=VIRE YouTube: https://youtu.be/MEsl_3AV7Rs |
I didn’t know. I didn’t know that life could be so great
I really didn’t. . . Vito |
Cancer - How To Make Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol Solutions
Baking soda solution that I used to reclaim my health after being diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer that metastasized to the bones Watch This You Tube Now:x http://youtu.be/Yl8Y8I_TsjI Here is a link that speaks of others who have had success with baking soda and/or alkaline diet:f http://phkillscancer.com/ This Brave Man Writes - His Cancer Story:f http://phkillscancer.com/cancer-succe |
Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell states that every cancer can be cured within 16 weeks - Dr. Coldwell states how that's possible in this video. He recommends using natural cancer cures as opposed to traditional cancer treatments:x https://youtu.be/DgbdNNfotwM |
A place where you may purchase - pH Test Paper Strips - These quick and easy test
strips for testing you alkaline cover a wide pH range of 1 to 12 and have distinct color changes that make them easy to match to the chart:f
strips for testing you alkaline cover a wide pH range of 1 to 12 and have distinct color changes that make them easy to match to the chart:f
Dr. Len Horowitz - AIDS was manufactured by the Government
(Would That Be - The USA Municipal Incorporation?) The Harvard Doctor who found out that AIDS was manufactured in Government sponsored bio-medical labs and spread through Vaccinations:x https://youtu.be/amXSy7ZDhsI |
In this interview
Vaccine pioneer admits adding cancer-causing SV40 virus to Vaccine Dr. Maurice Hilleman reveals some astounding revelations - He admits that Merck drug company vaccines (Polio)had been deliberately contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus from 1953 - 63:x https://youtu.be/13QiSV_lrDQ |
What Does A Cancer Look Like? - Much More To Know and See:x https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=what+does+cancer+look+like |
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures - With Peter Barry Chowka If you have Cancer - This is a Must see:x https://youtu.be/NAMYAoiCSsI |
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures - With Rene Caisse If you have Cancer - This is a Must see:x https://youtu.be/gWLrfNJICeM |
Dr. Tullio Simoncini
His Book - Cancer Is A Fungus http://www.cancerisafungus.com/ Cancer is a Fungus and Curable with Baking Soda - A prominent Italian Oncologist explains his view that cancer is fungus and can be easily treated. Fascinating viewing:x 1. http://youtu.be/pqcYpIFiwOk 2. http://youtu.be/ri-C8VvF3Rs |
Maple Syrup & Baking Soda - Fighting Advance Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer,
Ron LaSalle, RN BSN MBA CHPCA, Hospice President & CEO, cooks maple syrup and baking soda and ingests one tablespoon daily:x https://youtu.be/6KqQvUFwsF4 |
The Cure - For Cancer Debunking Modern Medicine's "Natural Disease" Theory:f http://www.truthseekertimes.ca/Brochures/Cure%20for%20Cancer.pdf |
The Cancer Diet - Can Diet Heal Cancer:f http://www.project.nsearch.com/m/blogpost?id=4878805%3ABlogPost%3A652774 |
Chef Marcus Guiliano
Drinking Baking Soda For Health Benefits | How To Improve Your Health:x https://youtu.be/MKC45xXVKKc |
The Truth Girls On
Baking Soda Cancer Cure? - It took a lot for me to change my views on the curability of cancer, but after looking into this for a long time, I realized that many of the alternative treatments worked by alkalizing the body, which facilitates oxygenation:x http://youtu.be/eXa9TBaZDpw |
New Oxygen Therapy - Flushes Disease Out Of Your Body
Cleanse Your Body Of Toxins, Heavy Metals... Even Cancer!:f http://www.alsearsmd.com/WIR/WIR310/Chapter_Oxygen_20130512_NewTherapy.html |
Edward Griffin
A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B 17 Edward Griffin:x http://youtu.be/JGsSEqsGLWM The Science and Politics of Cancer - G. Edward Griffin (2005):x
https://youtu.be/ctd-QF982mA G. Edward Griffin - ON HIV AIDS, Big Pharma Fraud:x http://youtu.be/v63NQg-eFjo
Dr. Jill Vecchio
A Colorado Radiologist who is head of the Breast Cancer section at Lutheran Hospital Caution - Radiation may cause Cancer:x https://youtu.be/6e3udzHIiVs |
Chicken - Contains Cancer Causing Arsenic:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=Chicken+-+Contains+Cancer+Causing+Arsenic&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
Smart Meters & EMR can cause Cancer - The Health Crisis of Our Time - To understand what Radio Frequencies can do to you see the Jimmy Gonzalez's YouTube below:x http://youtu.be/b_wxM6IAF1I |
Jimmy Gonzalez "Cell Phones Cause Cancer"
His testimony to the Pembroke Pines Commission resulted in the passing of a Resolution to raise awareness on the health risks of cell phone radiation Just Think Smart meters are on 24/7 365 days a year you can never turn them off Jimmy is dead now:x http://youtu.be/DIlOVJd0lA8 |
Everything You Need to Know About Iodine What is Iodine, and what are its uses? Join Dr. Group for a special one hour Webinar as he reviews its benefits and how you can supplement yourself with Iodine rich foods:x http://youtu.be/oDRd40VK5PY |
Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish
Maybe Over:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=Your+Days+of+Eating+Pacific+Ocean+Fish+maybe+Over&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
McDonald's Chicken McNuggets Found to contain mysterious fibers, hair-like structures; Natural News Forensic Food Lab posts research photos, video Learn more:x http://www.naturalnews.com/041646_Chicken_McNuggets_forensic_food_analysis_strange_fibers.html |
The Baking Soda Deception HHO application only Part 2 - Could be the best materials to use:x http://youtu.be/oh0x-sdDpic |
USDA funded project to create a GMO Corn that sterilizes people without their Knowledge may cause Cancer:
No More Baby Will Be Born - Can You Imagine a World Without Children - What Have We Let Them Do To US?? Does Barack Obama represent the End Game for America?:f http://saynsumthn.wordpress.com/2012/07/13/genetically-modified-corn-sterilizes-men-and-women-contraceptive-corn/ |
System Announces It Will Use DNA Stolen From Babies: (A Must See):f https://www.bing.com/search?setmkt=en-US&q=System+Announces+-+It+Will+Use+DNA+Stolen+From+Babies |
New Bed Bug - How fast Do Bed Bugs Spread?:f
What do your eyes say about you and your Health? Could help to know if you have Cancer:f http://iridology.webs.com/ |
Tavistock Institute 30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD Tavistock Institute for Global Manipulation:x http://youtu.be/vZG0b02zCdg |
Real Population Control - I Fear my Government? - (THE US CORPORATION) This is information elected officials do not want you to see because it is the truth - How many more will die?:x http://youtu.be/0sujnvIV4g4 |
Governments - Must End Organ Harvesting:f
https://www.bing.com/search?q=%EF%BB%BFGovernments+Must+End+Organ+Harvesting&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Obama on - Health Care Plan:f http://www.liberty.edu/media/9980/attachments/healthcare_overview_obama_072909.pdf |
Obamacare Code
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority
[whether permanent or temporary] as ICD 9 E 978
Beheading, Decapitation (by guillotine):f
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority
[whether permanent or temporary] as ICD 9 E 978
Beheading, Decapitation (by guillotine):f
Mark Dice The Petition for
"Mandatory Euthanasia" for Senior Citizens Under Obama Care! I Can't Believe It:x http://youtu.be/t4BEY1lZDyg |