52. If The Blacks Only Knew +
Do you know who really owned the slaves and the slave ships?
Khazar Jews were 2,000% more likely to own slaves than whites
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends"
Martin Luther King Jr.
Shutting Detroit Down - John Rich Music Video
A voice from Germany - You all should realize that you live in America, the best country in the world; you better start living it that way. I have been to the USA many times and would love to live there. Go out and make your country what it used to be. I am from Germany and my English is not good enough to describe what I would like to say; but good enough to say. Wake Up Detroit!! - I Thank You Germany!! Your English is just fine: There is a plan in place to destroy America one city at a time - Detroit is the first Jesuit Agenda 21 City - See Page 5 - Agenda 21 Exposed: People of America and the World - Please wake up we've got work to do!:x https://youtu.be/_exPnlC3wpY |
The Jesuit and Agenda 21
To have the first Jesuit Pope ever as the
head of the Catholic Holly Roman Empire
at this time in history, is no accident:
Picture Ignatius Loyola First Superior Jesuit General in 1541:x
The First Slave Owner In America - Was Not Only A Black Man, He Went To Court And Demanded It:f http://conservative-headlines.com/2012/03/americas-first-slave-owner-was-a-black-man/ |
Synagogue of Satan - In Their OWN Words (pt.1 and 2)
The King James Bible - Revelation 2 - Verse 9 Reads (I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan) The name Jew is just a stage name to hide where they came from and who they are:x https://youtu.be/VY-VNnQmg9s https://youtu.be/MtoXPKy3HUQ |
Dontell Jackson We Thought They Were White An African-American Apologizes For Racism Against Blacks Perpetrated By Jews: https://steemit.com/racism/@dodecahydra/we-thought-they-were-white-an-african-american-apologizes-for-misattributed-perceptions-of-white-racism-against-blacks |
Texe Marrs - Power of Prophecy Jewish Slave Traders and Other Secrets of the Confederacy Jesuits or Jews are the same at the top and all work together:x https://youtu.be/Qhh_kD5xtDI |
FERGUSON IS A STAGED EVENT - HERE IS ALL THE PROOF!!!! WATCH OUT!!:x https://youtu.be/jayJ4Wq8lbI?list=PLSLPvy0F3i91gSq6a1NVpQWTKBD4OYE8a |
The Incredible Discovery of Admiral Byrd over the North Pole Charles Lawson - The implications - Temple Baptist Church:x https://youtu.be/e9GUpVQ_vZ8 |
13th Amendment Citizen? Taj Tarik Bey - Is telling you like it is what a brave man! The 1933 US Bankruptcy - The Vatican Black Pope Jesuits own you - way to go Taj Tarik Bey -Taj study - (The Real Hidden ORIGINAL 13th Amendment be low) What Taj just read is the link right below by James Traficant - go see it - Get Smart - Let No Man Divide Us:x https://youtu.be/cd-ABU4Eo84 |
The Real Hidden ORIGINAL 13th Amendment
1812, Real Evidence - Proof by Certification by State Archives of N.H. that in 1812, at least 6 states had ratified the ANTI-LAWYER Amendment Basically preventing anyone who had a BAR Esquires Attorneys membership, accepted a title of Nobility form foreign King, Prince, Power from even being a US Citizen, much less holding any OFFICE - This has been hidden since Pres Abe Lincoln erroneously named the ANTI-Slavery amendment the "13th", when actually that one from the Civil War was the 14th ratified amendment Now You Know the Whole Story:x https://youtu.be/rxhwYwxT3I0 |
Occult History - James Traficant Jr. - On the 1933 U.S. Bankruptcy
An account of facts, particularly of facts respecting nations or states a narration of events in the order in which they happened, with their causes and effects. History differs from annals:x https://youtu.be/E-Ejl0ZZht8 |
McDonald's - Detroit, Michigan - Dec.23, 2014 - Excuse the horrible language in this video but this is what was witnessed. Much of this bad behavior could be caused by too much Aspartame, Fluoride, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Pink Slime, Deep fried and Cancer Causing Arsenic, or Free Government Vaccines. You can see and feel her anger. She knows something is wrong but she does not what it is. This is what has been done on purpose to the good Black people of Detroit. Look at what the Freemasonry Jesuit, Knights Templar Banker’s and Esquires Attorneys did when they bankrupted the City of Detroit. They stole Detroit form the Blacks and took it for them self’s for pennies on the Dollar. They plan to turn it into an Agenda 21 City, with Stack-um - Pack-um 800 square feet hi-rise apartments with gates so they can lock you in at night or any other time they fill threaten by you. You will be chip and have no future, Only bicycles and maybe buses. Sorry my Black brothers and sisters of this human race but you did not see Agenda 21 coming. Sorry to say but even your so called 501c3 tax exempt churches and Black leaders are in on it.
They Did Not Help You Or Tell You: In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies - but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King Jr.f https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1000987239917127 |
Oprah and her Mother BUSTED Playing a Ferguson Resident - This is sick - Oprah what were you think? - I hope Oprah - her show and her companies go down the tubes for this:x https://youtu.be/W2yFmgK4Loc |
FERGUSON - ANOTHER "CRISIS ACTORS" FALSE FLAG? YOU DECIDE IT'S A HOAX Don't fall for it!:x https://youtu.be/5MuK1o73pNw |
REVEALED Who’s Paying For All Of The Signs That You See At The Anti-Police Protests Across America If you were watching the news broadcasts about the protests in New York City, you undoubtedly saw many people carrying signs reflecting their beliefs - But wait - The people holding those signs don’t look even barely capable of having printed the signs themselves, so you might wonder who the sponsor of the rally could be - Who furnished the signs? Well, on the bottom of the signs is the name of the sponsor:f http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/us/revealed-whos-paying-for-all-of-the-signs-that-you-see-at-the-anti-police-protests-across-america Ferguson was planned to start nothing less than a Race War The toppling of our country and the destruction of America through a Jesuit Nazi Communists Revolution and that is the wrong way to go - There is nothing the Jesuit Nazi Communists will not do to kill off the white race and America. The Nazi’s are here and they are making their move - We had better come together as a people but not as communist or it’s over for all of us - The Jesuits want to rule the world (NWO) and they are using us to get what they want - Let us come together to put a stop to them - Think about it:f http://time.com/3132635/ferguson-coming-race-war-class-warfare/ |
Bill Whittle on Ferguson, Missouri
This presentation by Bill Whittle makes a lot of sense and does a great job of presenting the facts - Problem is that none of this will be covered by the lame stream media:x https://www.youtube.com/embed/iGTUcS-yQtQ |
WHO MURDERED AFRICA - The Man Made Origin of AIDS WHO - the World Health Organization, murdered Africa with the AIDS virus. That's a provocative statement isn't it?:f http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=34&contentid=2095&page=2 |
Chris Everard EBOLA is a Bio-weapon used against Blacks in Africa so that DIAMONDS can be stolen:x https://youtu.be/ES3D4vLH3Lw?list=UU3LTTDMO1UsLMqRGQ2Q0uXg |
Eric Jon Phelps - Banking is controlled by Jesuit Order "I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all Protestants and Liberals to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth" Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction:x https://youtu.be/MbS-9UoODpI |
Eric Jon Phelps
The Jesuit Control Of The Banking System The Fact of the matter is quite clear to see, the Rothschild's are nothing more than bankers for the Black Pope - All evidence points to this fact The Rothschild's are knights of the British Empire and Knights of Rome:x http://search.tb.ask.com/search/GGmain.jhtml?searchfor=The+Jesuit+Control+Of+The+Banking+System+-+Eric+Jon+Phelps&redirect=CPC |
The Occult Ghetto MK & The Sacrifice of Celebrity Kids (goats), Crowley and Dope 2:x https://youtu.be/Zu7OwYjMIw8 |
No Blacks Allowed in Israel Israel detains and deports American Jews because they are Black:f http://mondoweiss.net/2015/07/detains-american-because/ |
Israelis Want Africans Out
After the municipality of Tel Aviv permitted tents in a south Tel Aviv park for homeless people - mainly African asylum-seekers - to survive the cold winter, veteran residents of the neighborhood protest, demanding the tents be taking down and the Africans deported Stay put and hold your ground - That is what the Jew would do:x https://youtu.be/OOGSBHqRDuw |
The Great Culling - Our Water Official Full Movie
The Great Culling of the human race already has begun It is being done through chemicals added to our drinking water:x https://youtu.be/P7BqFtyCRJc |
Black people talk about Jews Black people talk honestly about Jews in their neighborhoods:x https://youtu.be/0QbjELF-8kY |
Who Ran the Slave Trade?
The World Masters of Slavery Documentary - Jewish merchant played a major role in the slave trade - Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than whites:x https://youtu.be/O-VAHy4k5HY |
THE KHAZARS AND THE SLAVE TRADE ---------------------------
White Person here, yep, lost 55 million of my race under these Khazar scum. They won't stop. They kill everyone it’s time we come together to stopped them:x https://youtu.be/6-uf03q2DpI |
Who Brought the Slaves to America? - Walter White Jr. - Full film In Africa there had been constructed an African Agency, by the Jewish slave dealers, who had corralled them, and prepared them for sale:x https://youtu.be/YLG4iHCrW9M |
Aboard a Jewish Slave Ship, 1829 The acts of 1807 Did nothing to curtail the trade of slaves within the nation's borders:f http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/slaveship.htm |
Lecture by Dr Tony Martin The Jewish Role in the African Slave Trade He taught at the University of Michigan-Flint This is a top notch Lecture:x https://youtu.be/Ut7I75Q_-zA |
Dr. Tony Martin - Jewish Tactics - in the Controversy over Jewish Involvement in the Slave Trade - Dr. Tony Martin is Emeritus Professor of African Studies at Wellesley College, Massachusetts, where he taught from 1973 to 2007. Prior to coming to Wellesley, he taught at the University of Michigan-Flint:f
https://www.google.com/search?q=Dr.+Tony+Martin+-+Jewish+Tactics&oq=Dr.+Tony+Martin+-%C2%A0Jewish+Tactics&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 |
Barrack Obama - Real name Barry Davis is a 32nd Degree
Princehall Freemason and a possible Knight of Malta - Obama (Barry Davis) is surrounded by High Level Roman Catholic Jesuits who steer him in the direction they want him to oversee. Done by The Archbishop of NY and The Jesuits He was graduated from Jesuit Harvard University:f https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4lnqhr/69_obamanations_tracks/ |
This pretty well sums up the issue
In 503 Days Between Trayvon Dying and the Zimmerman Trial Verdict, 10,865 Blacks Have Been Murdered by OTHER BLACKS - What in the world are you doing??:f http://soopermexican.com/2013/07/14/in-513-days-between-trayvon-dying-and-the-zimmerman-trial-verdict-11106-blacks-have-been-murdered-by-other-blacks/ |
Dr James David Manning You know what a Black Man in a Hoodie means Very Good - A must see:x https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200210704570396 |
Black Kids From Jersey Playing Knockout Game A Game On Unsuspecting People As They Walk Past!x https://youtu.be/kCzKyFpen9U |
Prof. Robert Weissberg The Relationship between Blacks and Jews The Jew has made the black race their Slaves (Schwartza) (Goyim) till the end of time - The Black Race needs the Jews money - The Jew needs the Blacks cheep labor and their vote - It is a needed hate relationship - Only time will tell who is going to be the winner but my money is on the Jew:x https://youtu.be/YhvQ-5DacsI |
Publius Huldah Federal Gun Control Is Unlawful YOU ARE AWESOME - Thank you for this most AWESOME and well spoken Words of History and wisdom. I will be sharing your video over and over so it gets through to some of the Sheeple out there:f https://vimeo.com/60944105 |
Now presenting one of the greatest essays ever assembled
about the true purpose of War over the last 250 years:x
Detroit The Most Shameful Injustice - In this first video in the new FIREWALL series, host Bill Whittle shows what four, five, six, seven or more decades of Death by Democrats has done to our nation's cities:x
https://youtu.be/weqQR-NnnIs |
This is what happens - When you drop out of school:f https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202517290999274 |
HOW MANY SLAVES DO YOU OWN? - by Fred Reed!:f http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/stbernard/20080818/018750.html |
BELLUMINATI - New Commercial Breakdown Taco Bell has recently released an extremely in-your-face cryptic commercial, let's find out what's hidden in it:x https://youtu.be/66rKAYgeHME |
If Blacks only Knew Moon Landing Hoax Final Evidence: https://youtu.be/jlUNJzU9Mdw NASA - ADMITS WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON: https://youtu.be/DpPMoIv1lxI Undeniable Proof -Man Has Never Gone to The Moon!!! | 2017: https://youtu.be/NbSPzeRvacU |
++ I Will Repeat It Because It Is So True ++
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies - but the silence of our friends"
Martin Luther King Jr.
Please Study Page 5 Agenda 21 So You Will Know What Is happening to you and The World
Like Martin Luther King, Jr. - expese1933 - shall not be Silent
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies - but the silence of our friends"
Martin Luther King Jr.
Please Study Page 5 Agenda 21 So You Will Know What Is happening to you and The World
Like Martin Luther King, Jr. - expese1933 - shall not be Silent