6. Black Pope Exposed +
The Black Pope Jesuits Are The Power Hiding Behind The Curtain of Religion
All Roads Lead to Rome
Pay No Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain Be Like The little dog Toto and pull back the curtain and expose the Evil doers:x https://youtu.be/ubIpoPjBUds |
-------- MEET THE NEW - 31st - BLACK POPE - JESUIT --------
Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal, SJ (born 12 November 1948) is the thirty-first and present Superior Jesuit General of the Society of Jesus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arturo_Sosa |
The New 31st Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Also Known as The Superior Jesuit General) Is the official title of the leader of the Society of Jesus the Roman Catholic religious order - also known as the Jesuits He is generally addressed as Father General - The position sometimes carries the nickname of the Black Pope, after his simple black priest's vestments, as contrasted to the white garb of the Pope - The thirty-first and current Superior General is the Reverend Father Arturo Sosa, elected by the 36th General Congregation on October 14, 2016:f https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_General_of_the_Society_of_Jesus#Succession |
******** Looks Like The 30th Father General had to - Resign ********
Adolfo Nicolás Pachón, SJ, Resigns as
Superior General of the Society of Jesus October 3, 2016: Today on the feast day of St. Francis Borgia, third Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, SJ, 30th Superior General of the Society, submitted his resignation to General Congregation 36 - After deliberations, the Congregation voted to accept his resignation:f http://www.jesuitscentralsouthern.org/news-detail?TN=NEWS-20161003124736_a |
St. Ignatius of Loyola, The first Superior Jesuit General was the founder of the
Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ. If [the Church] shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black. Ignatius's plan of the order's organization was approved by Pope Paul III in 1540 by the bull containing the "Formula of the Institute" May 13, 1871 The Law of Guarantees in Italy declares the pope's person inviolable (incapable of being overcome or defeated) and allows him possession of the Vatican (following the in-corporation of the papal lands into the kingdom of Italy) - The Society of Jesus Latin: (Societas Iesu, S.J., SJ or SI) is a Christian male religious order of the Roman Catholic Church Year 754 Established the Vatican as a State |
CIA Officer E. Howard Hunt In The JFK File Says The Jesuits form the greatest intelligence agency in the world:x https://youtu.be/qq6eNyhJ99Y |
The TRUMP Card by Walter Veith Will this group lead us into the New World Order and its One World Church Only time will tell:x https://youtu.be/W5fr0BwpO3A |
Walter Veith
Jesuits Have Seized The White House - The Jesuits Have now successfully - Taken control of CERN - The Lucifer Binocular telescope in Arizona (most powerful telescope on earth) and Finally through Trump - Pence they now have the Whitehouse - Never before in the history of the world have Jesuits run everything, they now do, and prophecy is being fulfilled:x https://youtu.be/YtRBexcpFTA |
During Castro’s nearly five decade reign, the regime gave citizens free healthcare and electricity at the cost of abject poverty, suppression of free speech and many harsh human rights violations that continue to this day under his brother, Raul:x http://www.howardnema.com/2016/11/27/fidel-castro-dead-jesuits-still-rule/#.WDu-eQVu_FM.linkedin https://youtu.be/oSeSgSN-FWY |
The Jesuit Order - (Full Documentary) Is Pope Francis - The Last Pope? The Worlds Last Chance - To Wake Up or Its Over:x https://youtu.be/pSzJQN4-iM4 |
Pope John Paul I - Dead in 33 Days
The New Pope is a Jesuit and has given his oath to the Superior Jesuit General The Black Pope - He must keep that oath or he will get the Jesuit Poison Cup:f http://www.cai.org/bible-studies/pope-was-poisoned-after-33-days The Most Shameful Secret Of The Vatican Finally Revealed Did the Vatican Assassins kill (poison) one of their own in 33 days?:f https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_I The Most Shameful Secret Of The Vatican Finally Revealed Did the Vatican Assassins kill (poison) one of their own in 33 days?:f https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_I |
Adolfo Nicolás Pachón - The 30th Superior Jesuit General (Black Pope)
Father General - The President of The World
Father General - The President of The World

30th Black Pope Jesuit Meets White Pope Jesuit
The Jesuits are - not recognized by the general populace because
of their treachery and secrecy. They tell no one that they are Jesuits. They even belong to other churches, other cultures, and other organizations that they have infiltrated; to hide their identity and to control these organizations. There are thousands and thousands
of the Superior Jesuit General the Black Pope Jesuits. They are everywhere and are into everything. They are into every major organization, and control nearly every political organization and government in the world.
Good Luck to the rest of us Heretics who are not
in their all boys club the Society of Jesus:
The Jesuits are - not recognized by the general populace because
of their treachery and secrecy. They tell no one that they are Jesuits. They even belong to other churches, other cultures, and other organizations that they have infiltrated; to hide their identity and to control these organizations. There are thousands and thousands
of the Superior Jesuit General the Black Pope Jesuits. They are everywhere and are into everything. They are into every major organization, and control nearly every political organization and government in the world.
Good Luck to the rest of us Heretics who are not
in their all boys club the Society of Jesus:

Adolfo Nicolás Pachón
The 30th Superior Jesuit General
The US Congress calls him Father General
The President of The World:f
The 29th and 30th Jesuit Curia in Rome
The House of the General Directory of Jesuits sites:f http://www.sjweb.info/resources/webguide.cfm?CategoryLkUpID=1 |
The Vatican and The Jesuits
"The very word secrecy is repugnant, in a free and open society - For we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret proceedings and to secret oaths"...The Jesuit Order was created in 1540 and is an old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation:f http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican37.htm |
Alex Jones CIA Connection to Project Mockingbird Through Pat Buchanan and Thomas Braden:x https://youtu.be/DnkngpSTZ-0?list=PLSLPvy0F3i92I2Vn2SFLZteLyYMu1btWi |
The Knights Templars are The Jesuit Order
The Jesuits of Today are The Revived Knights Templar The Jesuits are in full control of The Vatican today that's why they have their Jesuit Pope Francis as white pope - The black pope rules most governments today !! And now he is taking over all Arab countries, then he will rebuild the Jerusalem Temple and rule the world !! and will bring his Jesuit New World order:x https://youtu.be/mO42IVot2zY |
Vatican Secret Societies and the New World Order (Full Documentary) From Knights Templar’s, Jesuits, Freemasonry right down to the Illuminati and the Secret Society of Jesus that people speak of today:x https://youtu.be/mO42IVot2zY |
Leo Zagami - Vatican EXPOSED Satanic Mass - Demon Possession of Vatican & Pope Francis - Illuminati - Freemasons - Jesuits The Satanic Demonic takeover of Rome by the Black Popes Jesuit Order (The Society of Jesus) Freemasonry, and the Illuminati The Vatican is spiraling down to destruction as Holy Scriptures declares War has been declared; we are just waiting on the moment of Rome's destruction:x https://youtu.be/bXvscxWiOJI |
King John’s Concession of England to The Pope Treaty of 1213 The Beginning of the Lie 1-2:f 1. http://www.scrollpublishing.com/store/King-John.html 2. http://clc-library-org-docs.angelfire.com/John1213.html |

The Magna Carta 1215
Because of the Treaty of 1213
The papal bull annulling the Magna Carta was issued by
Pope Innocent III - on August 24, 1215:f
All Kings, Queens and Presidents rule by the Divine Right
and Perfection of the Superior Jesuit General
The Black Pope:
Jesuit Order - AMERICA Under Siege Vatican Nazis - The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu, S.J., SJ or SI) Is a Christian male religious congregation of the Catholic Church The members are called Jesuits:f http://www.timelineindex.com/content/view/3838 |
In fact, the Jesuit Oath of Induction listed here is recorded in the Congressional Record of the U.S.A. (House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against - Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pp. 3215-3216) It can also be found in the book entitled, "Subterranean Rome" by Charles Didier translated from the French and published in New York in 1843. Dr. |

Pope Francis’ Official Oath As A Jesuit:f
The Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction:f
1. http://www.reformation.org/jesuit-oath.html
2. http://www.remnantofgod.org/jes-oth.htm
Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry They are all in one The JJ's are same DNA at the top:f https://sites.google.com/a/jewishjesuits.com/www/ |
Jesuit Order - United States Under Siege - Vatican Nazis
Beheading by Guillotine - Obamacare Code - ICD 9 E 978 Their society is by nature dictatorial and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority - Every act, every crime, however atrocious, (wicked) is a meritorious (reward) work of the - Society of Jesuits or by the order of the Father General:x https://youtu.be/3tt_O0Lspfc |
Jesuit Telescope Called Lucifer In America Located in Arizona VATICAN'S - PROJECT LUCIFER:x https://youtu.be/Pa4nsCYzM1w |
THE BEST Flat Earth VIDEO Watch Till The End To See Why This Video Is On This Page 100% Proof The Earth Is Flat - Please Debunk This I Dare You!!!! 2018:x https://youtu.be/sa6Z_f06Je8 |
A Lamp In The Dark - Enter The Jesuits - Since 1814 the Jesuit General the Black Pope has controlled the Papacy:x https://youtu.be/d9nvkC2CZFA The Dark History of The Vatican:f http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_vatican.htm#The_Vatican_Finances |
Leuren Moret Global Chaos Agenda - Jesuits Trump, Pope, DOPE INC & Mexican border; Nuking of USA population, DHS Urban warfare against Americans, Neutron bomb by USA against Syrian civilians:x https://youtu.be/D1J5-4d4Td0 |
The Jesuit Order
Vatican Shadow Government that controls the world. Part 1.mp4 They are changing the laws constantly - this is highly disturbing - they take away all our freedom by lies:x https://youtu.be/wnKS01YK1_8 |
The Jesuit Order
Vatican Shadow Government that controls the world Part 2.mp4 I'm sorry for this direct video folks , but he is absolutely right , we better wake up in time and try to prevent a major FALSE disaster that can cost the lives of Millions of innocents People:x https://youtu.be/zl8eo3kav0g |
Jesuit Order - Vatican owns the world Who really run this planet and decide what to do with it The nobility, "land owners" We really just rent or lease from them:x https://youtu.be/0eP3b8BtoLk |
Jade Helm - World War Three The Jesuits & Mass Genocide The Papal Conspiracy (Part 5):x https://youtu.be/m0Kt1DfhphA |
The Catholic Liturgy is a Satanic Ritual The Evidence - The Little Book of Catholic Liturgy Ninth Circle Child Killers Identified:f http://humansarefree.com/2014/10/the-catholic-liturgy-is-satanic-ritual.html |
Ninth Circle Child Killers Identified -Targeted for Arrest
The International Common Law Court's case against Pope Francis and others revealed today the identity of members of the Ninth Circle child sacrificial cult, as well as the location and dates of their murderous rituals. In response, a call for Special Deputies to stop the Ninth Circle and arrest its members has been issued by the Prosecutor's Office of the Court. See http://itccs.org/ - Posted 14 May, 2014 from Brussels:x https://youtu.be/o8FH7L4Ys00 |
Three City States Rule the Whole World The Jesuits Owns American Express:x http://youtu.be/IFuvj6WKDvw |
Papacy Abolished at Easter 2014 Issued by Common Law Court of Justice:x 1. https://youtu.be/1zvtuHT7Cl4 2. https://youtu.be/48nIMwXOMCY |
THE BLUE MASS - Jesuit in Control of the US Police Force
Anyone who asks himself why USA (Europe and other parts of the world) is turning into a Police State has to analyze the Blue Mass that's where the real power is over the Police forces. Mostly the Masonic Police forces are controlled by the Archbishops who on his turn are overseen by a Jesuit president from a Jesuit University who on his turn is overseen by a Jesuit provincial. Pyramid Power Structure...going straight to the Black Pope:f https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=THE+BLUE+MASS |
Understand The Treasonous Take Over Of America by the Jesuits:f http://www.seawapa.co/2013/01/united-states-was-in-state-of.html |
JESUIT MERCHANTS RULE THE BANK OF ENGLAND - CITY OF LONDON - LIVERY CORPORATION Exposing the satanic papal roman empire's covert global power structure & the mystery Babylon new world order agenda:x https://youtu.be/GAz3r2HJf2k
Alex Jones, the Knights of Malta, and the Jesuits This is in all probability the most damning video online proving that Alex Jones is an agent of the New World Order. Please share this information and wake up the Infowar's sheep:x https://youtu.be/0ZLIoEOjNhY |
Eye Witnesses Saw Pope Bergoglio Rape Teens
Kill & Eat Babies in Satanic Ninth Circle Ritual: Kevin Annett [video]:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=Eye+Witnesses+Saw+Pope+Bergoglio+Rape+Teens+-+Kill+%26+Eat+Babies+in+Satanic+Ninth+Circle+Ritual%3A+Kevin+Annett+%5Bvideo%5D&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Dark Dirty SECRETS of Catholic Church EXPOSED
Abuse Cover Up The Catholic Church has been and continues to be one of the most powerful organizations on the planet:x https://youtu.be/d_lKajUJrAo |
1000's of Priests Abused Children Since 2004 - Vatican Report
The Vatican has released statistics showing that over the last ten years, 848 Priests have been defrocked and 2,572 others disciplined in relation to Rape or Child Molestation charges and they call that a church? See:f - Papacy Abolished at Easter 2014: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/vatican-reveals-how-many-priests-defrocked-for-sex-abuse-since-2004/ |
Is Agenda 21 The Second Heretic Inquisition?
Is The Second Catholic Church Inquisition Already Here?
The time must have appeared right for Paul VI to reinstate this bloody office, for even though the original Inquisition killed tens of millions in 1,200 years, prophecy tells us that the False Prophet will kill billions in 3 1/2 years!f Since the Roman Catholic Pope was chosen as the future False Prophet , it makes sense that the Office of Inquisition bereinstated: Read NEWS1052 and NEWS1285 |
Avro Manhattan The Vatican’s Holocaust The sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century:f http://www.reformation.org/holocaus.html |
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them
WARNING! Pics at end of video may be offensive to some! The Satanist, the Witch, and the KKK all have the same fruits as the Roman Catholic Vatican:x https://youtu.be/B-L40ffLoYw |
Pope Francis named by eyewitness as child trafficker
Breaking news Update from Madrid and Rome - A former civil servant of the Argentine military junta attended meetings where Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) agreed to traffick the kidnapped children of political prisoners - Also, Francis has concealed the "Holyrood Agreement" between Queen of England and former Pope Benedict that protects child rapists in the Anglican as well as Catholic church. Posted by ITCCS Central, Brussels, 3 February, 2014 GMT:x 1. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Pope+Francis+named+by+eyewitness+as+child+trafficker&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN 2. https://youtu.be/OPKFk_L7y9g 3. www.itccs.org |
Kevin Galal Hunger Strike Again we are going to bring you exclusive coverage of an event that may force Pope Francis to go on camera to explain the Vatican's position on the covert depopulation agendas and the destruction of global health:x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKEM1aZ6i0A&feature=youtube_gdata_playernst The Vatican's Global Depopulation Begins - In this first report of our special series, |
Locusts Upon the Earth - Revelation 9:3 - 4 New International Version (NIV):x 3. And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. 4. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads: https://youtu.be/e44M6dVPQ2M |
Freemasonry and Roman Catholic Jesuits 2 Wings Right Wing and Left Wing on the same Satanic Bird:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=Freemasonry+and+Roman+Catholic+Jesuits&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Ashkenazi ( Khazar) Jews are NOT Descendants of the Biblical Israelites!
“A hexagram must be present to call forth a demon” and ” it is a very powerful tool to invoke Satan”:f https://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2010/09/04/hexagram-star-of-david-or-star-of-lucifer/ “To the sorcerer, the hexagram is a powerful tool to invoke Satan.” In fact, the word “hex” - as to put a “hex” or “curse” on people comes from this word. If you examine the so-called “Star of David,” or hexagram, closely, you will discover something astonishing - It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and in its interior forms a six sided hexagon - thus it reveals the number of Satan’ antichrist beast, 6 points, 6 triangles, and the 6 sides of the hexagram- 666 !!!:x 1. http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2009/01/24/khazar-empire-illuminati-and-new-world-order/ 2. https://youtu.be/RZn8rq9_xD0 |
Lecture by Jack Otto
History of The - Ashkenazi? - The Khazar Empire He Believed the Khazar Warriors are the Leaders of The Jesuits Order and the Society of Jesus - This was his last speech - He died a short time later? Khazar say they are Jews and are not - but are the synagogue ('CHURCH') of Satan Revelation 2 verse 9:x https://youtu.be/5TVd8ovSPl4 |
Know Your Enemy -The Jesuits
Series exploring the coming New World Order from a Biblical perspective In these parts, we look at the 'Spiritual Exercises' of Ignatius Loyola.x 33x. https://youtu.be/y9uGSUfNDAg 34x. https://youtu.be/68qox17Q8HM 35x. https://youtu.be/AiUd08vjUoM 36x. https://youtu.be/D1UAGfzHBpo 37x. https://youtu.be/uL7bwW6LK04 38x. https://youtu.be/3q12daAQtP8 39x. https://youtu.be/a4kvLTAWR34 40x. https://youtu.be/ZmuNJk-uzdM There are many more parts on this subject: |
The Truth About The Jesuits - The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=The+International+Tribunal+into+Crimes+of+Church+and+State&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN
The Most Powerful Man In The World? - The Black Pope By RICK MARTIN Interview of Eric Jon Phelps the author of The Vatican Assassins:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=what+year+did+rick+martin+of+the+spectrum+interview+eric+jon+phelps&FORM=HDRSC1 |
Purchase His Book
Vatican Assassins |
Eric Jon Phelps
The Jesuit Control Of The Banking System The Fact of the matter is quite clear to see, the Rothschild's are nothing more than bankers for the Black Pope All evidence points to this fact. The Rothschild's are knights of the British Empire and Knights of Rome:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=Eric+Jon+Phelps+The+Jesuit+Control+Of+The+Banking+System&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Eric Jon Phelps
Jesuit Controlled MASONIC MUSLIMS EXPOSED Knight of the British Empire Shimon Peres and the Fake Oslo Accords:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=Jesuit+Controlled+MASONIC+MUSLIMS+EXPOSED+-+by%3AEric+Jon+Phelps&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Eric Jon Phelps
These Men Called Jesuits - Rule the world for Satan "The Jesuits have taken over the American government as of March 9, 1933 - They instituted a coup d'etat and imposed a de facto military government on that date- 3/9/33, March 9 1933 -You add those numbers together 3, 9, 3, and 3 and you come up with 18 - You divide that by 3 and you get 666 - The occult meaning of March 9, 1933 as the Jesuit order and their 666 symbol have taken over the American government to use it as a military sledgehammer on all the nations of the world to reduce those governments to military dictatorships subject to the pope of Rome":x https://youtu.be/p0lJcFkWGCQ |
Exposing the Jesuit Conspiracy with Karen Hudes:f http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=exposing+the+jesuit+conspiracy+with+karen+hudes+hq&qpvt=Exposing+the+Jesuit+Conspiracy+with+Karen+Hudes+(hq)&FORM=VDRE |
Why is Satanism on the Rise in the City-State of Rome Bible Or Traditions - Why is this happening in the city where the supposed Vicar of Christ calls home?:x https://youtu.be/yHlRaAXa2eo |
Pope’s Three Banks I America Franklin National Bank - Continental Bank of Chicago - Bank of America:f http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican61.htm |
Catholic Church Exposed and Its Three City States Vatican - Owner of world's biggest banks and top companies:x https://youtu.be/lYcVZxkjbzg |
The Roman Empire Rules Today - OUR REAL HISTORY - UNCOVERED:x
1x. https://youtu.be/Xc-mZA9gABg 2x. https://youtu.be/oYBK8UUIKRI 3x. https://youtu.be/Ts0g3K9LZns |
Outrageous Francis makes it illegal to report clergy sex abuse!:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=VATICAN+SEX+ABUSE+CRIMES&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Lucifer's Vatican - Whore Of Babylon – NOW - Don't be fooled The Society of Jesus honors Lucifer/Satan/Saturn (along with the rest of the occult secret societies, and mocks Jesus and God In this paradigm the good is made to look evil and the evil is made to look good - When two Jesuits meet, the devil is always there to make a threesome Old French Proverb:f https://www.bing.com/search?q=Lucifer%27s+Vatican+-+Whore+Of+Babylon+%E2%80%93+NOW+-+Don%27t+be+fooled&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
New Jesuit Superior General Father Adolfo Nicolás To resign as Superior General of the Jesuits in 2016:x https://youtu.be/WCxrcflJY9k |
The Satanic History of The Black Pope This video contains shocking and gruesome truth. Watch at your own peril. The rabbit hole goes even deeper on my channel my friends. You will see that the rabbit hole never ends here:x https://youtu.be/OoMS7NNP-Dc |
Father Adolfo Nicolás - The 30th Superior Jesuit General
Is the official title of the leader of the Society of Jesus the Roman Catholic religious order:x http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_General_of_the_Society_of_Jesus |
Jehovah´s Witnesses - Founded By Illuminati!! - By: Fritz Springmeier
Most Jehovah´s Witnesses do not know that Rothschild financed C.T. Russell (who is also in the top 13 bloodlines of this satanic Illuminati, like Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons:f http://www.whale.to/c/jehovahs_witnesses.html |
Jehovah Witnesses- Freemasonry Jesuit Connection Exposed Did the founder of the Jehovah's witnesses Charles Taze Russell have any connection to the Illuminati, the Rothchilds and the Vatican? You decide!:x https://youtu.be/FOKesbiQyWs |
Islam Originated with the Vatican: What I’m going to tell you is what I learned in secret briefing in the Vatican when I was a Jesuit Priest:x http://mysteryoftheinquity.wordpress.com/vatican/islam-originated-with-the-vatican/ The Vatican Created Islam
To Take Jerusalem, & Kill True Christians & Jews. Islam & Catholicism:x https://youtu.be/xasfYpvVMM0 |
Did The Vatican - Create Islam?:x https://www.bing.com/search?q=Did+The+Vatican+-+Create+Islam%3F&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Leo Zagami on the Opus Dei Jesuits Black Pope Illuminati P2 Lodge etc:x https://youtu.be/9cyPaW-l8pU |
Vatican Bank Faces Fresh Money-Laundering Scandal The Vatican bank is facing a possible money laundering scandal after it emerged JP Morgan was closing one of its accounts due to a lack of information about the source of deposits: https://youtu.be/piLKuOCJoEo |
The Jesuits, in control of Roman Catholic Adolph Hitler's The Jesuit - Third Reich installed puppet dictators throughout Europe:f http://www.spirituallysmart.com/croatia2.html |
Catholic Church Crimes Vatican Knighthoods Exposed - All Jesuit Controlled The Vatican is being exposed for what it is The most criminal organization in existence:f https://www.youtube.com/user/vaticancrimesexposed |
NEW WORLD ORDER.THE DEVIL IN THE VATICAN!! Due to the efforts of fellow YouTube users this series is being translated into other languages, any one that feels that they can Help in this Endeavour please contact me:x https://youtu.be/OLp9xigjajM |
The Black Pope with Rick Martin and Eric Jon Phelps Print it out for safe keeping - a Must Read - Order The Book There have been two new Black Popes elected since this interview and I believe they are all still alive. They are to die in office?:f http://wildernesschristianity.net/info/theforbiddenknowledge/hardtruth/blackpope.htm |
Eric Jon Phelps
Exposes Jesuit-CIA Alex Jones Some artwork exposing the Jesuits:x 1. https://youtu.be/tW8W1pV9pes 2. https://youtu.be/p-cWKsgIcGU |
The Testimony of Alberto Rivera, Ex-Jesuit Priest This testimony is a must for all the world to hear:x https://youtu.be/imMUG74KVSM |
Santos Bonacci MUST WATCH!! - Your Soul Is Owned By The Vatican This will help in the search for the truth on who runs the world:x https://youtu.be/9plu2MNiqrY |
9 of the Strangest Bone Churches of Europe:x
http://www.bootsnall.com/articles/09-05/bone-churches-europe.html The Skull of The Vatican Artwork made from 40,000 Human Skeletons and some are children: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=a%20roman%20catholic%20church%20in%20kuta%20hora%20czech%20public&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=a%20roman%20catholic%20church%20in%20kuta%20hora%20czech%20public&sc=0-27&sp=-1&sk= |
Fr. Malachi Martin on Poisoned Popes & Cardinal Siri In a little known interview, Fr. Malachi Martin - Discusses two popes who were poisoned to death in the 20th century, what he would do if he had been elected pope, and the election of Cardinal Siri to the papacy - This is a must listen to:f https://youtu.be/np0yqY12_8g |
Roman Canon Law vs. Natural Law : Frank O'collins Interview Ecclesiastical law:x https://youtu.be/EpRvguDiAf0 |
Call No Man Your Father
Upon further research of these words, which do not appear in the Bible, we find that vicar isn’t even a real word! It was usurped in the 1300’s by the catholic church!:x http://www.truthseekertimes.ca/Brochures/CallNoManYourFather.pdf |
Church To Release Internal Files On Sex Abuse
Updated Fri Nov 9, 2012 11:42pm AEDT:x http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-11-09/church-to-release-internal-files-on-sex-abuse/4364156 |
Pope - Female Sex Workers Can Use Condoms Too The Vatican has appeared to expand the Catholic Church's tolerance of condoms:f 1. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/pope-female-sex-workers-can-use-condoms-too-15012267.html#ixzz2Fo7wQ2ah 2. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/pope-female-sex-workers-can-use-condoms-too-15012267.html#ixzz2Fo7mZVwf |
International Arrest Warrant Issued against Pope Francis I, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the first Jesuit Pope in history for Crimes against Humanity and Child Trafficking Italians and others are empowered to apprehend the new Pontiff:x https://www.bing.com/search?q=International+Arrest+Warrant+-+Issued+against+Pope+Francis&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN |
Pope's Bank Hit By Financial Scandal... Again It is under harsh new scrutiny, including money-laundering:x http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/popes-bank-hit-by-financial-scandal-again-15034583.html |
-------- The Catholic Inquisition - And Their Murder of Heretics --------
Bing Images of the Catholic Inquisition
Bing Images of the Catholic Inquisition
In 1233 Pope Gregory the 9th issued a papal bull - that set up a formal tribunal to eradicate Heresy all together
Have the Heretics of America been set up for a second Catholic Inquisition?
If you are not a Catholic should you be worried?:
Have the Heretics of America been set up for a second Catholic Inquisition?
If you are not a Catholic should you be worried?:
Excommunication by The Catholic Church (SHOCKING) The Catholic Inquisition - The Pope Still Wears The Logo The Murder of Heretics - The Full Story (HD):x https://youtu.be/X_UCZf8pDZM |
PT4: The Crimes of the Roman Catholic Church: INQUISITION 2
To hold on to their power, Pope Innocent III instituted the Inquisition They have mistreated the early Christian and labeled those who read the Bible as “Heretics” - May Our Creator Render His Justice:x https://youtu.be/AEWiL3P2wJ0 |
Inquisition Torture Tools of the Vatican
Be heading by the Guillotine was a techniques used by the Catholic Church during the Inquisition - The saints of God being martyred was foretold in Revelation Learn some of the techniques used by the Catholic Church during the Inquisition:x https://youtu.be/xbBBezxalXU More Images of The Inquisition - Torture Tools:f http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Images+of+the+Inquisition+Torture+Tools+Of+The+Vatican&FORM=HDRSC2 |
The Hideous Crimes of the Popes - Is the Pope really the most holy person on earth? Are they really chosen by God? or were they chosen by the Satan?:x https://youtu.be/QvTCYTAZrmM |
The Superior Jesuit General the Black Pope and His New World Order
The Vatican is the center of a never ending web of conspiracy - It is working day and night to bring the world to the feet of the Roman Superior Jesuit General - The Vatican octopus has tentacles reaching into almost every government circle on earth to create the Black Popes New World Order where he will rule the Earth:x http://vaticannewworldorder.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-vatican-jesuit-global-conspiracy-by.html |
These Buildings Are Made with Skulls and Bones Around the world, there are buildings that are decorated and built almost entirely with human bones:x http://io9.com/these-buildings-are-made-with-skulls-and-bones-1477011794 |
Catholic Church Crimes
Nazi Germany - A creation of the Vatican and its Jesuit order:f https://vimeo.com/132729169 The Vatican is being exposed for what it is - The most criminal organization in existence. The crimes that they have managed to commit against humanity for 2000 years via its criminal priests, nuns, and evil religious leaders are now being discovered worldwide, as it is written that any day now, the Catholic Church will go up in flames and be destroyed forever, as it is the mother of all abominations on Earth: |
Obama Sunday Law Plan leaked - EXPOSED SUNDAY LAW & New World Order:
DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO or SEND LINK (FREE) SPREAD THIS VIDEO FAST, GOD BLESS YOU: 1x. https://youtu.be/Wzf4Y8ioydI 2x. https://youtu.be/4b0ma2JiJlQ 3x. https://youtu.be/qnlfY5IYk38 4x. https://youtu.be/ETWZ5rxpMLc |
WHO OWNS THE WORLD? 1-3 - Leuren Moret
Credentialed researcher author on Jeff Rense show interview. Listen in as they discuss the many issues of our current day and how they often lean on long historical strings of fate lines whereby few people realize how much we are under their spell - The Superior Jesuit General - The Black Pope of the Roman Catholic Church owns the land of America:x 1x. https://youtu.be/mgPMCDpjMNU 2x. https://youtu.be/x8W1khNBK4g 3x. https://youtu.be/AhXR101piO4 |
This conference marks the 5th Global Summit for the United Religions Initiative, which was conceived by California Jesuit Bishop William E. Swing to bring together people of different religions and spiritual traditions to, "stop killing in the name of God and start learning to live together." URI is a growing global community dedicated to promoting enduring daily interfaith cooperation, ending religiously motivated violence and creating cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings URI News The Superior Jesuit General the Black Pope had to approve this meeting:f 1. http://www.remnantofgod.org/nl000704.htm 2. http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1094.cfm |
A History of Land Claims in the Americas - The Privileges and Prerogatives
Granted by Their Catholic Majesties to Christopher Columbus April 30, 1492 Established admiralty jurisdiction in the New World --- The Gold Fringe Flag That you, Christopher Columbus, after discovering and conquering the said Islands and Continent in the said ocean, or any of them, shall be our Admiral of the said Islands and Continent you shall so discover and conquer; and that you be our Admiral, Vice-Roy, and Governor in them, and that for the future, you may call and stile yourself, D. Christopher Columbus, and that your sons and successors in the said employment, may call themselves Dons, Admirals, Vice-Roys, and Governors of them; and that you may exercise the office of Admiral, with the charge of Vice-Roy and Governor of the said Islands and Continent, which you and your Lieutenants shall conquer, and freely decide all causes, civil and criminal, appertaining to the said employment of Admiral, Vice-Roy, and Governor, as you shall think fit in justice, and as the Admirals of our kingdoms use to do; and that you have power to punish offenders; and you and your Lieutenants exercise the employments of Admiral, Vice-Roy, and Governor, in all things belonging to the said offices, or any of them; and that you enjoy the perquisites and salaries belonging to the said employments, and to each of them, in the same manner as the High Admiral of our kingdoms does. Said land claim took effect upon the planting of the Spanish Admiralty Crown flag into the soil of America: I believe the Superior Jesuit General the Black Pope has filed an International UCC filing claiming that he owns all of America and her assets: I have no written proof to date but I am still working on it:f http://www.lewisdt.com/research/landclaims.html |
Cardinal Sodano - The Real “Pope Crisis” Sexual Freemasonry and the One World Order - Why did the Catholic Church remove the expression “The World Order” from the transcript of yesterday’s speech by Cardinal Sodano:f http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/13/popecrisis/ |
The New Jesuit Pope Prepares to Welcome Lucifer As Christ!! - Bob Trefz - Unlivable:x https://youtu.be/MjMIwBoeT98 |
Dominus ac Redemptor Noster
Bull of Pope Clement XIV PERMANENTLY - Suppressing the Jesuit Order. Given at Rome on July 21, 1773 - This Brief or Papal Bull is a damning indictment of the Papacy....The Pope acknowledges how utterly corrupt the Jesuits are 14 months later he is dead:f http://www.reformation.org/jesuit-suppression-bull.html |
The Jesuit Rules on Theft and Sharing the Wealth
Theft By The Jesuits - From the book Black Pope A History Of The Jesuits By: M. F. Cusack (Formerly the Nun of Kenmare) page 304/305 Theft -Thus Gury, in his chapter “On the causes excusing theft” says:-“A man may in extreme necessity use of another man’s goods as much as is sufficient to free himself from such necessity. The reason is that the division of goods, in whatever way it may have been made, cannot derogate from the natural rights, which belongs to everyone, of providing for himself when he is laboring under extreme necessity. Whence, in such a case, all things become common, and therefore anyone taking anything belonging to another, for his own relief, takes a thing truly common, which he makes his own, as happened before the division of goods. Therefore he does not commit robbery.” “A man may steal the property of another, not only in order to relieve his own necessity, but also that of another. The reason of this is that he, as it were, acts for the needy person, and shows that he loves his neighbor as himself - Surely this is making the commandment of God of no account:f http://www.biblicalscholarship.net/blackpope.pdf |
America A British Colony Under The Roman Empire The flag in Washington's District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington's District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican offers spiritual guidance. The constitution of the district of Columbia operates under a tyrannical roman law known as lex fori, which in no way resembles the U.S. constitution:x https://youtu.be/ZFZnwl1x8gc |
The Jesuits in Japan - At first They were Loved That love soon turned to hate however when the astute Japanese found out that the "missionaries" were just the vanguard of an invading Jesuit army:x http://www.reformation.org/jesuits-in-japan.html |
Who Are The False Jews Anyway?
Greek - Gian Giorgio Trission in 1524 Created the "J" and The "U":f https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gian_Giorgio_Trissino Who Are The False Jews Anyway? The Letter "J "was only created in 1524-AD:f http://theletterj.followersofyah.com/ |
Vatican Crimes Exposed - Catholic Church profits from XXX Porn The Protect Your Children Foundation is committed to exposing all the lies and crimes of religion worldwide:x https://youtu.be/WlmgMmVgiZs |
Vatican Mafia It has been no easy matter to document oneself concerning the Vatican's Mafia, and to be able to prove it by the secret archives of the Catholic church and Catholic governments:f http://italychronicles.com/italy-the-vatican-and-the-mafia/ |
Old Jesuit Book The Secret Instruction Of The Jesuit Reveals True Agenda !!! (Must see):x https://youtu.be/ixZrnHDrESg |
Edward Hendrie - Jesuits are Crypto - Jews or Khazar Edward Hendrie in 'Power of Prophecy' with Texe Marrs, June 2013:x https://youtu.be/0qAH8PlPLRQ |
EVERYONE MUST KNOW THIS before it is deleted Why is the US MUNICIPAL CORPORATION always hiding it:x https://youtu.be/qr-lCJp9v1E |
Shop Here for - Books, DVD and More: http://vaticanassassins.org/category/jesuits
Books to Read:
1. Black Pope - by: M.F. Cusack - From 1896 - http://www.biblicalscholarship.net/blackpope.pdf
2. The Black Pope Or The Jesuits Conspiracy Against American Institutions - by: Oliver E. Murray - From 1892
3. 50 Years in the Church of Rome - The Conversion of a Priest - by: Charles Chiniquy
4. The Secret History of the Jesuits - by: Edmond Paris
5. The Jesuit - The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church - by: Malachi Marti
6. Vatican Assassins - Wounded In The House Of My Friends - by: Erick Jon Phelps
7. The Secret Terrorists - by: Bill Hughes
8. The Secret Instruction Of The Jesuit - Now in Reprint - By William Craig Brownlee
1. Black Pope - by: M.F. Cusack - From 1896 - http://www.biblicalscholarship.net/blackpope.pdf
2. The Black Pope Or The Jesuits Conspiracy Against American Institutions - by: Oliver E. Murray - From 1892
3. 50 Years in the Church of Rome - The Conversion of a Priest - by: Charles Chiniquy
4. The Secret History of the Jesuits - by: Edmond Paris
5. The Jesuit - The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church - by: Malachi Marti
6. Vatican Assassins - Wounded In The House Of My Friends - by: Erick Jon Phelps
7. The Secret Terrorists - by: Bill Hughes
8. The Secret Instruction Of The Jesuit - Now in Reprint - By William Craig Brownlee