48. Ebola Exposed +
Exposing the Green Agenda 21 Ebola - FALSE FLAG
See the Secret Society on page 6 That is Doing This to America and the World
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends
Martin Luther King Jr.
See the Secret Society on page 6 That is Doing This to America and the World
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends
Martin Luther King Jr.
Chris Everard - EBOLA is a Bio-weapon used against Blacks in Africa so that DIAMONDS can be stolen:
Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals - Scientists allege deadly diseases such as Ebola and AIDS are bio weapons being tested on Africans. Other reports have linked the Ebola virus outbreak to an attempt to reduce Africa’s population:
Ebola Hoax - 100% REVEALED! CNN + NYT caught using and paying CRISIS ACTORS - Caught with the money in their hands - MUST SEE - Attention - Some Very Bad Language:
Ebola Hoax - Agenda 21 Green Psyop FULLY EXPOSED - This is what they are doing to us... it's all out in the open and "hard hitting and in your face!" (Christopher GREENE) -
Attention - Some Very Bad Language: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z__Oh76k5rE
Attention - Some Very Bad Language: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z__Oh76k5rE
Ebola - A Zionist-French Connection - The rapid development of this thing is very unsettling and very suspicious - The wide spread belief in Western Africa is that Ebola was deliberately planted via vaccination programs linked to the notorious CIA-NGO-Mossad and the French-Zionist:
Was Glenn Thomas Killed - Because There Is No Ebola And He Said So Just two weeks before WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas was allegedly killed in mysterious MH17 crash:
Alert/Urgent... De Facto Martial Law In Connecticut?...Ebola!!!! - If you don't scream loud right now... kiss your country goodbye - This is a defacto Martial Law, Not official Martial Law...It's a state of emergency, suspension of human rights... sorry for the misunderstanding - At 3a.m. I tried to rush this out to you guys I did mis state the FEMA region in question: https://youtu.be/kh4iGOYhFyw
Ebola Genetically Modified Organism developed in US Biowarfare Laboratories in Africa - It appears that the test consists of giving an Ebola vaccine and then exposing the unaware person to Ebola, apparently an engineered version for bio-warfare - Whatever the tests are, it is clear that Boyle and Broderick in their articles below are correct that experimentation with Ebola by the US government is underway:
Bill Gates Faces Trial in India for Illegally Testing Tribal Children with Vaccines - Have Bill Gates and his eugenicist foundation’s crimes against humanity finally caught up with him:
FORCED VACCINATION CHECKPOINTS, RFID BRACELETS, AND FEMA CAMPS - The man speaking is Greg Evensen, a former Kansas state trooper who left his position after learning of the plans for martial law being implemented through FEMA integration with state and local law enforcement agencies:
Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details Ebola Plot - While elite US and European families like the Rockefeller's, along with their dynastic underlings like Bill Gates (image, above) continue their obsession with over-population: http://21stcenturywire.com/2014/10/08/rockefeller-foundations-futurist-paper-details-ebola-plot/
Executive Order 13295 - Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases: http://www.cdc.gov/sars/quarantine/exec-2004-04-03.html
The Ebola Breakout - Coincided With UN Vaccine Campaigns:
'Ebola Crisis Actors - Busted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-4-0ZnocSk