19. John F. Kennedy +
A Member of The Roman Catholic Church - Trying to Save Us From It
How many kids & adults know about his book Profiles in Courage?
+++ Below - JFK Jr. Lost at Sea +++
President John F. Kennedy
Before his assassination in the house of his friends “There’s a plot in this county to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.” President Kennedy May not have said it this way, word for word, but this is the way I understood it and believe it to be. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mr. President Kennedy To all who have died exposing this evil plot to enslave us. You may rest in peace. For we the Good People of this earth have taken up Your Torch. With the help of our Creator and Your Blood from the grave. We will - Destroy this evil plot you tried to warn us about: |

President John F. Kennedy
The Jesuit Order the world's most powerful
Secret Society of Jesus gave the command to assassinate
Knight of Columbus President John F. Kennedy
Understanding The Murderers and Traitors in the
Assassination and Cover-up:f
CIA Officer E. Howard Hunt says The Jesuits form the greatest intelligence agency in the world:x https://youtu.be/qq6eNyhJ99Y |
Now presenting one of the greatest essays ever assembled about the true purpose of War over the last 250 years:x https://youtu.be/s3IGS7P8_DU |
The Men Who Killed Kennedy A must see - The Coup d' etat - Episode 1 of 9 - Watch all nine:x https://youtu.be/x2agPurqFJk Who killed JFK? -The Jesuit order or who?:x - http://youtu.be/bDEie8EGhYA JFK Vs. The Federal Reserve The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE BANK! JFK was against it and he paid for it when he tried to stop it:f http://www.rense.com/general76/jfkvs.htm |
JFK - The Speech That Killed Him- "Listen to this incredible audio recording of a speech made by JFK before the American Newspaper Publishers Association where he warns the press about the secret societies that are the real power in global affairs.":x https://youtu.be/y8HTr-F-FVM |
Creepy! First TV Commercial Shown after JFK Assassination Yes! YOU WERE LIED TO ABOUT JFK! WAKE UP! Original video posting:x https://youtu.be/G1RZO29hsb0 |
More on Kennedy's Assassination:f https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=btbar&hsimp=yhs-002&type=br112dm1bs03ts910af112542&p=jfk%20assassination |
The President Who Told The TRUTH!!: All Must Hear - Brilliant and honest speech from a Brave and Courageous man:x https://youtu.be/g06rYq8aFgU |
Eric Jon Phelps On JFK Assassination ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME - Hear a candid interview with one of the foremost conspiracy experts, author Eric Jon Phelps:x https://youtu.be/yOYPLF4ozJA |
JFK Brief History Will we ever know what Jesuit killed him??:f https://www.corbettreport.com/mp4/jfkcons.mp4 |
JFK Speaks out Against the New World Order Look up Executive Order 11110 It would have taken the strongest power away from the elite:x http://youtu.be/y8HTr-F-FVM |
Dark Legacy - George Bush And The Murder Of John Kennedy:x
https://youtu.be/-NlJQJUUqR4 http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=images+of+dark+legacy+george+bush+and+the+murder+of+john+kennedy&id=56D26513CF76C611B61C2A40C7E333A246394FA1&FORM=IQFRBA |
Bush confessed to killing JFK As any lawyer can tell you, if a person is asked where were you on 11-22-63? And the person denies being in Dallas, and 7 pieces of solid evidence prove he was in Dallas, with his wife, whose photo you will see here next week:x http://youtu.be/l6j7QF0CBUo |
The Killing of President Kennedy (very rare 1963 BBC documentary) Anthony Summers 1963 documentary on the Assassination of President Kennedy is one of the best films on the subject, even if you may not agree with the direction it takes towards the end:x http://youtu.be/KyGzVQGgdqw |

PT-109 - Music Video
WHOOOT Now I Got Jimmy Deans PT-109 Theme Song Set To The Movie Of The Same Name Staring Cliff Robertson:x https://youtu.be/nOXQr9u8bBk
The Freeing Of Humanity Agreement Green Hilton Memorial Building Geneva and Certificate of Geneva Could this be True? Only time will tell:f https://steemit.com/history/@riandi/america-has-debt-57-thousand-tons-of-gold-to-indonesia-2017812t544993z |

Did Jackie Killed JFK - Judge for yourself
The Jesuit Conspiracy Exposed
Jacqueline Kennedy was trained by the Jesuits her whole life
and was trained in CIA operations' in Paris
before she met Senator Kennedy
You Be The Judge:x https://youtu.be/UnL0pwlqzNw
The Jesuit Conspiracy Exposed
Jacqueline Kennedy was trained by the Jesuits her whole life
and was trained in CIA operations' in Paris
before she met Senator Kennedy
You Be The Judge:x https://youtu.be/UnL0pwlqzNw
+++ JFK Jr. Lost at Sea +++
He Must Have Knew To Much?
He Must Have Knew To Much?
The Assassination
of JFK Junior Murder by Manchurian Candidate 6/11 Overwhelming, jaw-dropping evidence of foul play in the death of John F Kennedy Jr:x http://youtu.be/EuUxXX0yY3U |
Assassination of JFK Jr. What Might Have Been: https://www.pinterest.com/dicken2/john-f-kennedy-jr-what-might-have-been/ |