49. Doctors Secrets Exposed +
It's All About the Controlled Medical Profession - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Surviving Winter Diverse Health Services presents - Dr. Tents - December 2005 Lecture Dr. Randall Tent Lectures are some of the the most informative I have ever heard - He tells it like it is!: http://youtu.be/VUb-NN7nFVE |
Headaches Diverse Health Services presents - Dr. Tent's - April 2009 Lecture: http://youtu.be/ogJI0njthp0 |
Essential Fatty Acids Diverse Health Services presents - Dr. Tent's - August 2009 Lecture: http://youtu.be/g_NITewrAxM |
Bits and Piece Diverse Health Services presents - Dr. Tent's - December 2009 Lectures: http://youtu.be/iSE9wOnEKpI |
Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic Diverse Health Services presents - Dr. Tent's - April 2012 Lecture: http://youtu.be/-aHRMjVHggI |
Full Signal - Excellent documentary on cell towers and cell phones As our obsession with mobile technology has grown, an army of antenna have cropped up - behind houses, hidden in church bell towers, even disguised as trees - This crafted documentary cracks open the debate surrounding the global health risk they pose: http://youtu.be/mdZSczgtK9o |