14. Hidden Asset +
All Cities, Townships have them Hidden In Their Municipal Corporation some place
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
They are Called - CAFR Funds
Jerry Day CAFR Fully Exposed The CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town:x https://youtu.be/1pRPBKJQnyU Introduction to the CAFR - Why You Can't Get Ahead There is massive fraud on the public by the institutions we thought we could trust - Virtually every public entity is involved in hoarding and diverting public resources from public service to insider crony benefit and misuse:x https://youtu.be/T2aif0Wk9E0 |
The Truth About State and Local Governments
Having Excesses of Your Tax Dollars They Are Not Using:f https://www.bing.com/search?setmkt=en-US&q=The+Truth+About+State+and+Local+Governments+-+Having+Excesses+of+Your+Tax+Dollars+They+Are+Not+Using |
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports From Bing:f http://www.bing.com/searchq=comprehensive+annual+financial+report+cafr&qs=SC&form=QBLH&ghc=0&pq=comprehensive+annual+financial+reports+&sc=8-39&sp=1&sk= |
CAFR Funds - Who Controls Them Government for the last ten-thousand years has always been "Where the money is" and recently more money generated and held by each and every local and federal government operation than Midas ever dreamed about:f http://www.cafr1.com/WhoOwnsWho.html |
CAFR VIDEOS Corporate Government Fraud Hides Trillions:x 1. https://youtu.be/S6yZJgUzwxQ 2. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=comprehensive+annual+financial+report+cafr&FORM=HDRSC3#x0y413 |
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
Called (CAFR Funds) are a second set of reports that contain the Hidden Assets of each Municipal Corporation - Your City or Township is a Municipal Corporation for profit. Your police department, fire department and education department all are municipal corporations for profit. A Municipal Corporation works like a corporation but has board members not stock holders. Have you ever seen these board members do you know their names? Maybe we should get to know them. This group of board members controls the CARF Funds. How do they get CARF money? Where does it come from? What do they do with the income from all that money? I think it is our job to find out, don’t you?:f https://creditreports.dnb.com/m/home?storeId=11154&categoryId=40138&catalogId=71154 |
Clayton County Citizens Oversight Committee On CAFR Funds Getting Started
This is what we all need to do:x http://youtu.be/mKMLRbPF2Lk Clayton County - Taking the County Government back:x http://youtu.be/zJ44zwJULqM Clayton County - Citizens Oversight Committee Sparks another investigation:x http://youtu.be/mKMLRbPF2Lk |