59. Syria War Exposed +
Every person Has Two Homelands – His Own and Syria – Historian Andre Parrot
Wake Up World - This Syria War Is For His (see page 6) New World Order
Wake Up World - This Syria War Is For His (see page 6) New World Order
ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS - The Movie - Now presenting one of the greatest essays ever assembled about the true purpose of War over the last 250 years: https://youtu.be/s3IGS7P8_DU
Wesley Clark ( US 4 Star General ) A Time to Lead - US will attack 7 countries in 5 years:
Rothschild Central Banks - Afghanistan - North Korea - Iran -Cuba -Syria and Sudan are the - Is it any coincidence that this super rich family has no controlling influence in only 5 countries and that now these countries are facing the threat of war and invasion:
Syrian Girl - 8 Reasons Why the New World Order Hates Syria - No Rothschild Central Bank - NO IMF debt - No Genetically modified food - Oil and pipelines - Anti-secret societies - Anti-Zionism - Secularism - Nationalism: https://youtu.be/TP3mXVRd89Y
Syrian Girl - CHEMICAL WEAPONS ATTACK On Aleppo - A photographer working for Reuters in Aleppo reported that the witnesses of the attack complained of a strong smell of chlorine near the epicenter of the attack: https://youtu.be/Wdr6HCOyQbc
Syrian Girl - Chemical Weapons a False Flag Against Syria - In the last 24 hours the Israeli ambassador to the UN repeated the accusations that the Syrian Government would use chemical weapons against its own people - Laying the ground work for the false flag event to take place: Just like 9/11 in the US:
Syrian Girl - Syria Destruction Planned by US Mercenary - A US mercenary who helped the Al CIAda affiliated NATO puppeteer Libyan insurgents destroy their home country has now set his sights on now destroying Syria: https://youtu.be/Bjw3ijp9nwU
Syria - The REAL Story - MUST SEE - CIA & MOSSAD Death Squads Exposed:
US Media Tells Us - That Syria Used Chemical Weapons - But Look What the UN Says:
John McCain - DESTROYED By True American Patriot: https://youtu.be/H8SycdU3QDk
John McCain Owned - By Syrian Woman at Town Hall Meeting - Sometimes the right person gets to speak at the right time - this is one of those occasions: https://youtu.be/GMBn0qzw2as
== Below are some of the United States - CHEMICAL WEAPONS ATTACKS ==
As Americans we are all guilty because we let our Khazar leaders get away with it!
Around the world people hate Americans - you would too if some country would kill your babies
Study the Khazar on page 52. https://youtu.be/5TVd8ovSPl4
Around the world people hate Americans - you would too if some country would kill your babies
Study the Khazar on page 52. https://youtu.be/5TVd8ovSPl4
We're talking about a government with a history of using chemical weapons against innocent people - During W.W. II, Britain and USA in 1945 dropped tons of phosphorus on German civilians - children, women, and old folks - roasting them alive - But, of course - they were only Germans - so, nobody Cares? A must see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_II
Bombing of Dresden in World War II 1945 - Look what they did to the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) - as pay back for their expulsion from Dresden. And they made America pay the bill - Jews - We Must Liberate Dresden on the night of February 13 and 14, 1945 - Is when the British bombers arrived. It was to payback the Saxony’s for running the them out of Dresden years earlier. To watch this and to understand what is going on will make your blood boil: What kind of creatures are they who would do this watch all YouTube’s that follow:
BOMBING OF DRESDEN 1945-Very Graphic - Bombing of Dresden was an attack on the city of Dresden, the capital of the German state of White Saxony:
Dresden Bombing Commemoration 2012 - Britain owes The White German Anglo-Saxon Protestants and all of Germany an Apology (full) - By 1944-45 during the last year (and even closing months) of war, mounting mass scale terror bombing of Germany when it was virtually defenseless, culminating in February 1945 with the gratuitous fire-bombing destruction of historic Dresden plus that 36 hours' long burnt alive mass holocausting of its civilians and Soviet-fleeing refugees. Thus an apology from Britain to Germany is due - America was in on it where is her apology?: https://youtu.be/inQHQPCH8Xg
10 Chemical Weapons Attacks - Washington Doesn't Want You to Talk About
This will makes you sick to your stomach:
This will makes you sick to your stomach:
Let Us As Americans Work Together To Stop All False Flag Operations Of THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION
To Make Us Want Their Khazar Wars - All Wars are Khazar Bankers Wars
To Make Us Want Their Khazar Wars - All Wars are Khazar Bankers Wars